Un grand koudou, un petit panda, une mante religieuse, une sauterelle et un puma... Association aussi expérimentale qu'animale pour un nouveau quintet musical, brassant magie et folie: MadMagus. Dont l'union rime avec éclosion. Fort d'un premier opus, composé au-dessus d'un nid de fous: "Cuckoo's Nest". Comme un oiseau sans zèle.
MadMagus is a belgian band formed in Brussels in the fall of 2014 in an attempt to create a no-compromising, challenging Alt/Prog rock band. After 2 years of jaming, live concerts and creating process, they released their first album "Cuckoo's Nest" in the fall of 2016. They since expanded their univers and status through more musical work, artistic collaborations and live shows, establishing new musical goals for the future.