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En alliant la brutalité du Death et du Black Metal avec des mélodies finement travaillées, LOST GOD suit dignement les traces de groupes comme DECAPITATED, DEATH ou CANIBAL CORPSE. Formé en 2003 par des membres de COALITION, WAR-THORN et NO LOKOST, LOST GOD vous entraîne vers des mondes crépusculaires où les battements sourds se confondent avec les envolées vocales lyriques carnassières et déchirées.

.. In the year 2003, deep-rooted in the cold middle of the Ardennes, some snatches of ancient hate rose from the ground. By and by the withered heartbeats took their first breath of cauterized air. They became flesh – the embodiment of evil. Filled with scorn and deepest resentment, they broke out of the hypocritical cradle of humanity. They gathered their forces and constituted a new era, a virus of hatred named LOST GOD. Stamped by impurities of its awakening, six hard years later Lost God unleashed their first grime upon the world: 'Savage Souls'. Recorded in the Chapelle Studio with Rudy Lenners (ex-Scorpions drummer & producer), unfortunately there was no money for more than 3 songs. Right after this first spit, Lost God took the road with Enthroned through UK, Belgium and Holland. A lot of Gigs should follow.... On Viceral Vomit Records, a label based in Costa Rica, Lost God released in 2010 the tape 'Revelation in the darkness'. It was released and distributed in all of America and Japan. Limited to 100 pieces, it spread the word of Lost God in 16 tracks - including an unreleased demo from 2006; pure, rough and brutal. From now on, Lost God starve for more. The band found their final line-up and new songs are written. With growing force Lost God is now on their way to reveal something more brutish and nasty than before - the devastation of the perfectly defect world.

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Tremplin Durbuy Rock, le vendredi 04/02/2011 (L'Entrepôt)

Concert, le samedi 31/05/2008 (L'Entrepôt)

Risen Forge, le samedi 26/05/2007 (L'Entrepôt)

Pierr'hard Festival, le samedi 14/04/2007 (L'Entrepôt)

Metal Party, le samedi 25/02/2006 (L'Entrepôt)

18ème Nuits de l'Entrepôt, le vendredi 29/04/2005 (L'Entrepôt)

Underground Festival, le samedi 05/02/2005 (L'Entrepôt)